Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Marshall & Melodie

L'amour se plaît un peu dans le dérèglement. - Regnard

Love is fond of spontaneity.- Regnard.

Good friends and hearts of gold in them both! The session was filled with laughter; regaling of old memories and wishes. It's such a shame they should live so far away.

The session started off with an attempt to meet at my favorite coffee shop Caffe Calabria which, alas, closed before we made it. We ended up meeting up the street at Claire de Lune and grabbing something warm and delicious there. We then meandered around Balboa park and managed to snap a few shots in between the cracks and stories before trying to grab some grub at Blind Lady Ale House, which was also closed. =P

Finally, we wandered over to Pizza and Wine on Park Blvd., and ate fantastic pizza and continued to discuss futures and planned camping trips.

Long story short: Fun times, wonderful people. Next time, check to make sure the meeting place is open before hand. =]

Chelsé Ivonné

P.s! Please, click on the images to view them larger. =]